Network and collaborate

[add sub-title/one sentence description]

 [overview of this work]

What we’re doing

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Add image for North East Together

North East Together

[overview of programme]

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Add image for Trustees Together

Trustees Together

[overview of programme]

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Add image for Coaching Together

[is there a third thing? Coaching Together]

[overview of programme]

What we’ve done so far

ILM Level 5 Certificate in coaching and mentoring 2019-2020

ILM Level 5 Certificate in coaching and mentoring 2019-2020

ILM Level 5 Certificate in coaching and mentoring 2018-2019

ILM Level 5 Certificate in coaching and mentoring 2018-2019

ILM Level 5 Certificate in coaching and mentoring 2017-2018

ILM Level 5 Certificate in coaching and mentoring 2017-2018

ILM Level 5 Certificate in coaching and mentoring 2018-2017

ILM Level 5 Certificate in coaching and mentoring 2018-2017