Lead and manage: Best self, great teams, amazing together 2025

Lead and manage: Best self, great teams, amazing together is a four-month leadership programme. We’ll focus on what we think is important for all of us in leadership roles — being your best self, being part of and leading great teams, and working on amazing things together.

Our Lead and manage programme is central to our mission of developing social leadership and is part of our contribution to developing our north east voluntary, community and social enterprise sector workforce. We know our sector is full of great people doing great work, but we also know there are too few opportunities for us to connect, learn, develop and grow. We're committing to running this twice a year for three years - 2023 to 2025 - as part of our contribution to developing our workforce.

More about the programme

The programme is three full days —  one day a month for each of our three leadership frameworks Best self, Great teams, Amazing together —  and two half days to help us start and end well. These are energising days to learn together — from us and each other — and give time out of the busyness of the day to day to reflect on your own leadership, and connect and build relationships with your peers. We give a practical introduction to key leadership and management theories, models, frameworks, tools, techniques and approaches. Each person receives a printed copy and PDF of the Best self, Great teams and Amazing together learning resource packs.

It’s about growing and developing ourselves to be able to do our best for ourselves, our organisations, and our region.

2025 dates

Spring-summer 2025

Our dates - all Wednesdays - are

  • 30 April - Starting well

  • 7 May - Best self

  • 4 June - Great teams

  • 2 July - Amazing together

  • 16 July - Ending well


Autumn-winter 2025

Our dates - all Wednesdays - are

  • 10 September - Starting well

  • 24 September - Best self

  • 22 October - Great teams

  • 26 November - Amazing together

  • 10 December - Ending well

We’re now taking bookings for spring-summer 2025 and autumn-winter 2025. If you’d like to find out more before booking your place, email Robert. You can also tell us you’re interested in taking part in future programmes.

You can also talk to us if you’d like us to run this in your area or as an internal programme for your organisation.

What we’ll learn together

Best self

Using the nine elements of our Best self framework as our guide, we’ll spending a day learning about

  • looking after ourselves and resilience

  • self-awareness and emotional intelligence

  • being organised and effective

  • why trust, values, beliefs, vulnerability and psychological safety matter at work

  • communicating open and effectively

Great teams

Using the nine elements of our Great teams framework as our guide, we’ll take a day to learn about

  • creating a shared purpose and direction

  • how to work well together to achieve our purpose

  • positively managing conflict and tensions

  • creating positive environments where everyone can succeed

Amazing together

Using our Amazing together framework as our guide, we’ll learn about

  • relationships and why they matter

  • networking and community building

  • collaborating and working with others, about the North East Together collaboration framework

  • understanding and navigating systems/ ecosystems

Starting well

We’ll start well by

  • connecting and forming our learning group – meeting and learning about each other

  • getting ready to work together – creating psychological safety, how we’ll work together, our commitments to each other

  • setting the scene about leadership – what it is, leadership as a practice

Ending well

We’ll end well by

  • looking back – reflecting on the programme and our learning and development journey

  • making plans – about what we’ll learn next

  • looking ahead – looking to the future with confidence in our individual and collective leadership, deciding what your learning group will do next together

  • celebrating our achievements

As you become a senior leader, your role can become lonelier. Not only does “Yes we can” give you tools and strategies to lead more effectively, it also connects you with peers in a similar situation and helps you develop new networks.
— Yes We Can Lead and manage learner

 Our upcoming programmes


Lead and manage: Best self, great teams, amazing together 2024